Stories of Resilience: The Underground Celebrates 3,000 Visits

Meet Amy*. Unimaginable challenges and unspeakable traumas have marked Amy’s journey. Trafficked from a young age, she endured a nomadic existence, forced to move from state to state, and robbed of the stability and safety every child deserves. But at 17, Amy found a glimmer of hope – an advocacy agency connected her with the […]

Welcoming Kate Amaya to Unbound Now’s Board of Directors

Kate Amaya, Strategic Alliances Specialist for Compassion International, Marketing & Communications Professional, and Unbound Now Board Member. We are thrilled to announce and extend a warm welcome to Kate Amaya, the newest addition to Unbound Now’s distinguished Board of Directors. Kate brings a wealth of experience, passion, and a proven track record of driving positive […]

An important update from Susan

As we usher in a new year, I can say with confidence that I am more excited than ever for what lies ahead. It is both an honor and privilege to share some significant news about the future of Unbound Now with you, our global community today.