Stories of Resilience: The Underground Celebrates 3,000 Visits

Meet Amy*. Unimaginable challenges and unspeakable traumas have marked Amy’s journey. Trafficked from a young age, she endured a nomadic existence, forced to move from state to state, and robbed of the stability and safety every child deserves. But at 17, Amy found a glimmer of hope – an advocacy agency connected her with the Underground.

In the Underground’s welcoming embrace, Amy found more than shelter and resources; she found a lifeline. Surrounded by compassionate staff and fellow youth, she began to rediscover her resilience and sense of self. With her infectious sense of humor and radiant smile, Amy quickly became a beloved presence at the Underground.

But it wasn’t just about survival – it was about reclaiming her right to joy and normalcy. The Underground team recognized this and organized outings for Amy and other youth, like a trip to the zoo. Amy experienced pure childlike joy there – riding a merry-go-round for the first time.

Buoyed by the support and encouragement of the Underground team, Amy excelled in her studies and secured a job – a testament to her newfound confidence and resilience. Amy’s story represents one of the more than 1,100 youths the Underground has served since its opening three years ago. 

Kids who have been trafficked are taught that their needs will only be met if they exchange something. A trafficker might say: “If you love me, you’ll do this …” We teach them that you are worthy of safety and care just as you are.

The Underground is a drop-in center for youth, open 24/7, 365 days per year, and located in Fort Worth, Texas to provide a place for young people to find a place to rest, have a meal, shower, get clean clothes, be provided counseling resources as well as service referrals. 

This week, as we celebrated the significant milestone of 3,000 client visits at the Underground, we were reminded of the importance of this special place for every youth who walks through its doors. 

We are so grateful for every young person who has walked through these doors in their moment of crisis and invited us into their story. And we’re just getting started – because we believe everyone deserves a life free from exploitation

*Name changed to protect personal identity. 


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