Why Celebration Matters

Celebration is more than a moment of joy—it’s a powerful motivator. By definition, celebration is the act of honoring or holding an event to recognize something significant. Whether it’s a personal milestone, a team accomplishment, or a community victory, celebration is vital because it reinforces the values of hard work, perseverance, and growth. Do you […]

What I love about North Texas Giving Day.

My family and I have lived in Fort Worth for most of my life, and each September, I admire the energized giving and philanthropy that sweeps through our city. Non-profits addressing a variety of needs in our community provide empowering solutions to those who need it most, and we all have the chance to partake […]

True Story: A Trafficking Survivor’s Vision for the Future

Dear friend, The grace of God never fails to amaze me. A friend of ours is an ophthalmologist and provides glasses and eye care for survivors who need it. One day at our Unbound Now office, one of our advocates asked if I could go by the clinic to pick up a new pair of […]

The 2023 Impact Report is Here!

I’m thrilled to share with you the highlights of an extraordinary year in Unbound Now’s journey. In 2023, we not only set record-breaking impact numbers by serving 1,155 clients but also focused on strategic planning for our future. I am honored to have stepped into the role of CEO, joining a community that is not […]

Unbound Now Opens Doors to Freedom at Paris Olympics

Paris, France – Unbound Now is proud to co-lead the Open Doors Initiative, a strategic action plan in preparation for the 2024 Olympic Games to prevent human trafficking and create pathways to freedom for victims, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Center for Countering Human Trafficking (CCHT) and the Homeland Security […]

Welcoming Kate Amaya to Unbound Now’s Board of Directors

Kate Amaya, Strategic Alliances Specialist for Compassion International, Marketing & Communications Professional, and Unbound Now Board Member. We are thrilled to announce and extend a warm welcome to Kate Amaya, the newest addition to Unbound Now’s distinguished Board of Directors. Kate brings a wealth of experience, passion, and a proven track record of driving positive […]

Unbound Now Europe At Alliance against Trafficking in Persons Conference

Last week, our staff had the privilege of attending the OSCE Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference. The conference, which was held in Vienna, brought together representatives from various governments, civil society organizations, and international agencies to discuss strategies for combatting human trafficking. Unbound Now Europe team members pictured with Theresa May, former Prime Minister […]

Hello from Asia!

Hello friends! My name is Susan Peters, and I am blessed to serve as the Founder and CEO of Unbound Now. Over the past 11 years we have been blessed to see our work multiplied into communities around the world.  We know the crime of human trafficking reaches across borders and by the grace of […]

Celebrating on Capitol Hill

This week, Unbound Now CEO Susan Peters presented the Three Key Award to select Members of Congress for their work to champion the care of human trafficking survivors in their districts. Senators James Lankford (Oklahoma) and Josh Hawley (Missouri), Congressman Pete Sessions (Texas), ad Congresswoman Maria Salazar (Florida) received the inaugural Three Key Award for […]

Fearless into the future: An update from Unbound Now Europe

Written by Allison Byrd, Unbound Now Europe Director of Strategy “Thank you for not being afraid to come to us.” This is what one woman told me over Google Translate as we sat together in Ukraine. Our team had the privilege of spending three days with these courageous leaders who sought to keep their communities […]


Shared by Amanda Buenger, Executive Director of Unbound Bryan College Station I am still processing all that our team experienced on our recent trip to the Poland/Ukraine border. Before leaving, I had a few expectations of what we might experience in a war torn crisis situation, but upon arrival, I was continually blown away by […]

The Faces of Unbound Now: Brian, Matthew & KOT

“Personally, I wanted to learn how to engage the issue and make a difference in my community. I also felt like boys need to be informed so that they know how to support and protect their peers who could be at-risk.”

Unbound Around the World, 2018

2018 was a foundational year for Unbound. Our number of chapters remained consistent, and the quality and quantity of impact through each chapter was remarkably strengthened. This report serves as an overview of Unbound activities around the world, focusing on a few of the key impact areas for each chapter and project. We are hopeful […]

The Faces of Unbound Now: Liz

At UnBound, we believe that every person has a unique part to play in bringing an end to human trafficking. That’s why we encourage everyone (regardless of your career, age, or background) to get involved. Volunteers, survivors, and partners are truly the faces of UnBound; we wouldn’t be who we are without you! Below are […]

The Faces of Unbound Now: TJ

At UnBound, we believe that every person has a unique part to play in bringing an end to human trafficking. That’s why we encourage everyone (regardless of your career, age, or background) to get involved. Volunteers, survivors, and partners are truly the faces of UnBound; we wouldn’t be who we are without you! We chatted […]

On the Front Line: Bus Drivers

Each one of us has a part to play in the fight against human trafficking, but some professionals are in a position that we’d consider the front lines. In their roles, they have a unique ability to identify and intervene in trafficking situations. In this post, we explore how bus drivers in the Houston area are […]

The Faces of Unbound Now: Carrie & Rebekah

At Unbound Now, we believe that every person has a unique part to play in bringing an end to human trafficking. That’s why we encourage everyone (regardless of your career, age, or background) to get involved. Volunteers, survivors, and partners are truly the faces of Unbound Now; we wouldn’t be who we are without you! […]

The Faces of Unbound Now: Jason

At UnBound, we believe that every person has a unique part to play in bringing an end to human trafficking. That’s why we encourage everyone (regardless of your career, age, or background) to get involved. Volunteers, survivors, and partners are truly the faces of UnBound; we wouldn’t be who we are without you! Below is […]