When our phone line rings with an outcry call, day or night, an advocate responds on-scene within 90 minutes. They meet the victims where they are, literally and figuratively.
The field-based services allow us to work in real-time with law enforcement, child welfare, juvenile justice, healthcare, and other partners to support victim-centered goals. In so doing, they help human trafficking victims gain the strength needed to particulate in the investigation and prosecution of exploiters.
Called “Advocacy”, these services are a critical function of the Governor’s Child Sex Trafficking Team’s statewide strategy. More about the statewide strategy and advocacy for child sex trafficking victims can be found here.
The Governor’s Office supports Unbound Now’s advocacy programming with funding, training, technical assistance, and a common set of risk management standards and best practices.
Since the beginning of our work to identify and serve human trafficking victims in 2012, Unbound Now’s mission has been to provide the highest quality services to both our clients and partner agencies. Being designated as one of the Governor’s Office’s advocacy agencies has strengthened our teams and allowed us to reach more clients with excellent, hope-filled care.
Beginning October 1, we will add several new counties to our service regions, bringing our total counties served to 45.
Unbound Now is grateful to operate in a state with prevailing leadership on this issue. Our executive leadership team and front-line staff are daily grateful to be trusted with the responsibility of delivering these services in forty-five counties.