Meet Matt Osborne

DNA Films + O.U.R.

Matt Osborne has been fighting the crime of human trafficking in some form since 2006. He currently serves as Global Ambassador at OUR Rescue (

Before joining this organization, Osborne served a 12-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency and US Department of State, where he worked issues related to terrorism against the homeland, illegal narcotics, organized crime, and human trafficking. He regularly provided secrets and analysis to US Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, senior cabinet officials, and the National Security Council.  Osborne served overseas tours in Madrid, Spain; Caracas, Venezuela; and Mexico City, Mexico.


With OUR Rescue, Matt has led a total of 27 undercover operations that resulted in the liberation of 211 human trafficking victims and in the arrest of 72 suspected traffickers.  His work was featured in the 2023 blockbuster movie, “Sound of Freedom.”


Matt holds a B.A. in International Studies from Miami University in Oxford, OH, and a M.A. in International Policy Studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California. He has been married for almost 27 years and has two adult daughters who give him the drive to fight child exploitation and human trafficking.

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Meet Matt Osborne

Matt Osborne has been fighting the crime of human trafficking in some form since 2006. He currently serves as Global Ambassador at OUR Rescue (

Before joining this organization, Osborne served a 12-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency and US Department of State, where he worked issues related to terrorism against the homeland, illegal narcotics, organized crime, and human trafficking. He regularly provided secrets and analysis to US Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, senior cabinet officials, and the National Security Council.  Osborne served overseas tours in Madrid, Spain; Caracas, Venezuela; and Mexico City, Mexico.


With OUR Rescue, Matt has led a total of 27 undercover operations that resulted in the liberation of 211 human trafficking victims and in the arrest of 72 suspected traffickers.  His work was featured in the 2023 blockbuster movie, “Sound of Freedom.”


Matt holds a B.A. in International Studies from Miami University in Oxford, OH, and a M.A. in International Policy Studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California. He has been married for almost 27 years and has two adult daughters who give him the drive to fight child exploitation and human trafficking.

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