Making a difference on World Coffee Day.
Did you know that your morning cup of coffee can support survivors of human trafficking? Today, on World Coffee Day, we’re excited to share about our collaboration with Talitha Coffee! Because the average age of entry into trafficking is 11-14 years old, survivors often face challenging barriers when re-building their lives. Talitha’s Co-Founder, Jenny, is […]
Party in the Grove
We enjoyed celebrating last night with many of you at Party in the Grove, where we heard an update from Sheriff Waybourn and Commander Turner about the work of our Tarrant County Human Trafficking Task Force! Matt Osborne, the former-CIA operative whose work was featured in the movie Sound of Freedom, shared why he and […]
OSCE: Partnering with Leaders to Prevent Human Trafficking
A college football tailgate tent filled with supplies for moms and babies may be simple, but at the Poland-Ukraine border, this set-up made the difference between exploitation and safety for countless refugees. Starting in March 2022, Unbound Now operated a crisis response initiative in Poland. Recognizing that refugees experience compounding vulnerabilities to trafficking, we stationed […]