Unbound College Exposes Waco Community to “Nefarious” Reality of Human Trafficking

Waco, TX — The Unbound College Team in Waco recently hosted a viewing of the documentary Nefarious, exposing Waco students to the ugly truth of human trafficking in a world where this issue often flies under the radar.

Students gathered at local coffee shop Common Grounds to watch this documentary that Unbound College leader Jessica Ullrich described as an “intense movie that acts as a wake-up call of the dark realities that are affecting local individuals.” 

The documentary emphasized how shame plays a large role in perpetuating the cycle of human trafficking, and how redemption is available for each individual.

“Shame is the common factor that makes this issue relatable for anyone,” Ullrich said. “Human trafficking is the type of issue where once you’re exposed to it you can’t look away, and you have to do something because it’s so horrible and disgusting. As people look at this issue in the face for the first time, we have full expectation that people are going to get passionate about it and get angry.”

The outreach event was a success, as many attendees expressed interest in further involvement with Unbound and new faces were introduced to this issue for the first time.

According to Ullrich, “Many students were surprised that this issue affects Waco and that they can take steps to combat it even as college students, that they don’t have to wait until they have a degree a professional label to make a difference.”

In addition to supporting larger Unbound, Unbound College channels the energy and passions of college students to fight human trafficking.

“Our overall goal is to make an impact on campus and be a connection point for students to take action, and to empower students with the knowledge and tools to do something that they can do something other than interacting with a survivor or rescuing victims, as well as showing the power of prayer and how we can engage with God’s heart for justice,” Ullrich said.

After being approached by Baylor University to host an event aimed towards new students, Unbound College presented students with the chance to join the fight against the human trafficking that occurs in Waco and across the globe.


The fundraising and events team, one of Unbound College’s four student-led teams, was responsible for organizing this event and other large events to propel community engagement. The other teams include the middle school team, which is currently focusing on raising funds to support the 10-week curriculum educating local youth on trafficking, healthy relationships and self-worth. The awareness team sheds light on human trafficking in every sphere possible, both on and off campus, and updating members and the community on any relevant policy and statistics regarding this issue. With the purpose of keeping Jesus at the center of Unbound College and emphasizing the power of prayer in combatting this issue, the prayer and worship team is planning a community-wide worship night centering on the war on human trafficking.

By providing individuals with tangible steps to be involved in this cause, Unbound College is equipping the next generation with the tools to fight human trafficking.

Written by Maddie Fossler

Writing Intern, Unbound


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