Fact Sheets: Sex Trafficking of Black Women & Girls in the U.S.

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation put out a series of fact sheets demonstrating the disproportionate impact of trafficking on black women and girls. Click the button below to view the fact sheets. Here’s an excerpt:

“To better understand the high rates of sex trafficking among Black women and girls, research has indicated the continued sexualization of Black women and girls’ bodies which has played out since slavery. The myths around Black women and girls’ hypersexuality cannot be ignored when researching sex trafficking.

Furthermore, the continued treatment of Black girls as older than their age must be explored
when looking at the data surrounding the prevalent rates of domestic sex trafficking of Black girls. In addition, the intersecting factors like low socioeconomic status, child welfare involvement, detachment from education, criminal justice involvement, and history of physical/sexual abuse must be addressed. These factors contribute to the increased vulnerability of sex trafficking. Compared to their racial counterparts, Black women and girls suffer higher rates of these combined factors.

The importance of analyzing sex trafficking is evident, but the factors discussed above which contribute to the likelihood of being trafficked are often ignored or overlooked. In order to create a more comprehensive approach to studying the high rates of sex trafficking among Black women and girls, the intersecting factors must be studied all together. By studying the racial disparities across these particular factors, the blame is placed off victims and the larger structural implications are revealed.

The objective of these series of fact sheets is to address the issue of sex trafficking, specifically among the population of Black women and girls. Throughout this series, the fact sheets also aim to highlight the importance of promoting policies which safeguard Black women and girls.”


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