Celebrating on Capitol Hill

This week, Unbound Now CEO Susan Peters presented the Three Key Award to select Members of Congress for their work to champion the care of human trafficking survivors in their districts.

Senators James Lankford (Oklahoma) and Josh Hawley (Missouri), Congressman Pete Sessions (Texas), ad Congresswoman Maria Salazar (Florida) received the inaugural Three Key Award for their leadership in ensuring that every victim of human trafficking has access to freedom and excellent after-care. Their responsive staff, unwavering stance, and collaborative approach set them a part in the awarding process.

“Collaboration with elected officials at the local and federal levels has always been a priority. We are grateful to these Members for keeping the doors open for anti-trafficking work to continue, as we see more survivors served than ever before” said Susan Peters, Founder and CEO.

Communications Director Abigail Loyd adds, “As we conclude National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we enter the year ahead with tremendous momentum. 2023 will be a significant year in the fight against human trafficking, and we’re grateful for the Members of Congress who make that possible.”


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