Hello friends! My name is Susan Peters, and I am blessed to serve as the Founder and CEO of Unbound Now.
Over the past 11 years we have been blessed to see our work multiplied into communities around the world.
We know the crime of human trafficking reaches across borders and by the grace of God so has our message of hope.
Just a few weeks ago I was able to visit our office in Cambodia, a team who has faithfully served for years, contextualizing our proven programs to respond to trafficking vulnerabilities across provinces and the Golden Triangle region.
Amy & I at the Angor Wat runis!
While there I had the privilege of participating in prevention outreach and training led by Amy Miller, Executive Director of Unbound Now Cambodia, and national staff members in and around local schools, homes, and karaoke bars.
I was most touched by the lesson on value we led with young students at a local school, where Amy shared on the immense value each human life carries and the basic rights to which every child is entitled.
As I return home to Texas I am convinced once again that the solutions to protect and recover victims of human trafficking are similar around the world: youth prevention, outreach and training, and survivor services are bringing freedom and hope to the most vulnerable.
I am filled with more determination to see our work furthered in the nations of the earth – until all are free.
With great hope,
Susan Peters