Today on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, we stand with survivors.
It’s not okay that your vulnerabilities were taken advantage of by people you trusted.
It’s not okay that your teacher didn’t recognize the signs of exploitation.
It’s not okay that you were used to fund your caregiver’s addiction.
And we pray for the 50 million still trapped in exploitation.
We pray for recovery out of daily violence and abuse.
We pray for the bravery and persistence to pursue healing.
We pray for the resources and safety needed to rebuild a life in freedom.

5 fast facts to better understand human trafficking:
1. The Polaris Project defines human trafficking as the business of stealing freedom for profit.
2. Victims of sex trafficking often know and even trust or love their traffickers.
3. Traffickers are expert manipulators, leading victims down a path of exploitation, filled with false promises and coercion.
4. Victims of human trafficking are in our schools, our workplaces, and our neighborhoods.
5. Human trafficking cases have been reported in every state and territory in the United States.
What can you do to support survivors of human trafficking on this day?
- Wear blue! Did you know blue is the internationally recognized color for Human Trafficking prevention? Use this opportunity to start a conversation on the meaning behind what you’re wearing or share a photo online with the hashtag #WearBlueDay.
- Sign up to volunteer at a Not in My City outreach event happening in your city!
- Grab a friend and watch our free Human Trafficking 101 online video course.
- Follow Unbound Now on social media and share one of our posts with your online community.
- Join us in praying the points listed above for the survivors we serve and the victims yet to be recovered.