True Story: A Trafficking Survivor’s Vision for the Future

Dear friend,

The grace of God never fails to amaze me.

A friend of ours is an ophthalmologist and provides glasses and eye care for survivors who need it. One day at our Unbound Now office, one of our advocates asked if I could go by the clinic to pick up a new pair of glasses for a survivor. I was glad to go.

A woman in scrubs greeted me at the ophthalmologist’s office. I realized she was a survivor we once had the privilege of serving. She gave me the glasses I came for and said, “I have something for you.” She left and returned with a beautiful painting she had created.

Her painting featured vibrant colors with light shining out, representing her new life. She mentioned she didn’t even know she could paint until recently. It was such an honor to receive this gift, which now hangs in our office and is pictured below.

When I returned to the office, two advocates were there with a foreign national survivor who had just been recovered. They were having a soda with her, helping her feel safe and supporting her in the next steps toward safety and healing.

Not every day is like this—survivors have many ups and downs due to the trauma they have experienced – but seeing our team support clients at the point of recovery and continuing to walk with them, connecting them to the resources they need to rebuild their lives, is one of the greatest joys of our work.

Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.


Susan Peters


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