Bryan College Station Volunteer Opportunities

Higher Training & Time Commitment
Youth Prevention – JDC Team
This team works with at-risk youth in the Brazos County Juvenile Detention Center (JDC). The JDC Team will interact with youth in the juvenile detention center on Saturday mornings by providing an empowering curriculum on topics such as healthy relationships, value and worth, and making good decisions.
Requirements: 18 years or older, complete onboarding process, passion for youth, 1 year commitment
This team will be trained and equipped to provide general Human Trafficking 101 trainings on behalf of Unbound Now in the Brazos Valley. Requests for trainings can come from community organizations/clubs, neighborhood associations, student organizations/groups, and churches.
Requirements: 18 years or older, complete onboarding process, strong interpersonal skills, ability to conduct oneself professionally, 1 year commitment
Medium Training & Time Commitment
Resource Table Team
This team will be trained to staff resource tables as representatives of Unbound Now. We have many invitations to set up resource tables in our community at various events. We typically set up a table with brochures and informational resources, as well as some goodies, and talk to community members about who we are, what we provide, and how to connect with us.
Requirements: 18 years or older, complete onboarding process, open and friendly demeanor, people-oriented, one or more semester commitment
Minimal Training & Time Commitment
Prayer Team
This team lifts Unbound Now, our clients, and related areas in prayer. Commit to praying independently each day for the daily prayer point and attending monthly prayer meetings when able.
Administrative & Events Team
This team stands at the ready to support our office as needs arise. This could include helping to decorate for the holidays, taking down holiday decorations, sorting through clothing donations, cleaning, etc., and signing up to volunteer with events such as Not In My City and Night of Hope.