Fearless into the future: An update from Unbound Now Europe

Written by Allison Byrd, Unbound Now Europe Director of Strategy

“Thank you for not being afraid to come to us.”

This is what one woman told me over Google Translate as we sat together in Ukraine. Our team had the privilege of spending three days with these courageous leaders who sought to keep their communities safe from human trafficking.

Over the past 10 months, we have linked arms with brave women and men across the world: refugee center directors, aid workers, refugee mothers, pastors, investigators, and prosecutors to work together to disrupt traffickers and care for survivors. 

Just this week, two survivors in Eastern Europe were removed from their traffickers and brought to safety! Our teams are providing care and working with law enforcement to ensure their long-term safety. 

Not only has this concerted effort been effective, it has brought camaraderie and longevity to those involved. 

As I look to the future, I am filled with hope. Together, we’ve cared for more than 22 survivors of human trafficking in this first year and equipped thousands of individuals to stay safe from the ploys of traffickers. We believe for many more lives to be touched by this work and by the Gospel in the year ahead. Thank you for making this possible. 


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